Today learn about one of the yarns used in Issue 1: UNEARTH!
Some yarns you want because the feel of it speaks to you. Others you connect with a shade that leaps from your imaginings. This yarn did both and went further. It shared a story of love of land, love of simple living and hard word and it was created by someone I had met through emails and even old fashioned pen to paper letters.
Annie Claire may be known to you by way of her lovely patterns. Seasonally, she dyes yarn. She is located on the west coast of Northern California and lives with her precious family on their goat dairy farm. She dyes locally sourced wool with the natural pigment found in plants and flowers around her farm and home.
All readers of 6Bits will not be able to use her yarn for the project shown in Unearth. Her yarn is a teaching tool in this issue, a catalyst for our discussion on how to source local to you yarn that works as a substitution.