This week the podcast is just me, Melissa, chatting with you about my daydreaming tendencies...and the effects they have on my knitting. They are good & sometimes self-sabotaging. I wonder if I am any different than you?

As Spring seems to be erupting all around me and as I am purging and packing for our move that is coming up faster than I thought, I find myself escaping to more and more moments standing in front of an open window enjoying a breeze. Those moments last just a few seconds, but stay with me long enough to get me to the next. Is your knitting ever like that? A series of stolen moments, either to work one row or one stitch, maybe just time enough to ball your potential yarn...or as I find myself looking and looking and looking and daydreaming happily (but getting not much accomplished). 

Hurrah for Springtime! 

This week apart from the podcast our friend Hannah had her surgery. I wish I could say she is happily up drinking tea and feeling good. She has a long road ahead and I will keep you posted as I hear news.

In the meantime, if you have knit a #HatsForHannah hat, you may mail them on to 6 Bits through the end of March. Send them to :

6 Bits Sotrybooks PO Box 297 Holly Ridge, NC 28445

Hannah's Courage is available for $3 on Ravelry 

If you have already knit this hat it will be so exciting to see your projects added and linked to the pattern! 

And if you were part of the MKAL on Periscope the final pattern will be delivered to your inbox. Perhaps you will consider gifting the pattern to someone as all proceeds will be given to Hannah to help with her expenses. 
